【實用書籍app】Understanding Hypnosis|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Understanding Hypnosis|最夯免費app


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What is Hypnosis?

For anyone concerned that this is a report designed to teach readers how to convince crowds of people to act like chickens or dance to an unheard song just with a carefully placed keyword - relax. While hypnosis is often paraded in that form with large crowds visiting celebrity hypnosis experts to see what wonders they can perform, the majority of hypnosis used is to aid people seeking a solution to a problem they cannot resolve easily with any other method.

What Hypnosis is NOT?

Like many things that have become popularized by celebrity, there are a few misconceptions about self hypnosis that are good to clear up at the start. Before we look at what self hypnosis IS, let’s look at what it is NOT.

Self hypnosis doesn’t mean you are allowing someone to control your mind with a soundtrack. No one is able to control our minds. What it does do is help us solve our own problems and answer our own questions. Trust your own strength and power and know your mind isn’t going to let just anyone take over!

Hypnosis isn’t sleeping. While you move in and out of a hypnotic state as you fall asleep or wake up, hypnosis is that time between wakefulness and sleeping. That lovely relaxed state that drifts you between conscious and unconscious thought. You may sometimes fall asleep during or after a meditation, but that is because you relax. Falling asleep during hypnosis often indicates the level of stress you are under - that you are having trouble relaxing on a long term basis, and the hypnosis-induced sleep is simply your body telling you that you are sleep-deprived and need to catch-up on sleep.

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