【實用工具app】UnitConverter concentration -solid in liquid-|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】UnitConverter concentration -solid in liquid-|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】UnitConverter concentration -solid in liquid--APP點子

This Application is a converter for units of concentration about solid in liquid.This app can easily convert a unit to the others, by auto-calculating equivalent values corresponding to the units and displaying the outcomes immediately after you input a numerical value or change a unit to another in the field at top part of the screen.For example,if you input "100" and change the unit to "ppm", the outcomes will be like below."100 ppm" -> 0.01% -> 0.1 ‰ -> 100 ppm -> 10,000 ppb -> 10,000,000 ppt …And, this app has two modes, which are "Weight/Weight (Wt/Wt)" and "Weight/Volume (Wt/Vol)".So, you can deal with percentage or the other units, which are values dividing weight of solute by volume of solvent, as well as by weight of solvent.More over, with inputing in density of solvent, you can convert units to the others, considering the solvent's density.-------------------------------------------------------List of units you can change:-%-‰-ppm-ppb-ppt-mg/kg-mg/g-mg/mg-mg/L-mg/mL-mg/μL-------------------------------------------------------

【免費工具App】UnitConverter concentration -solid in liquid--APP點子

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