



The Uselss App let’s you tag and find the following points of uninterest (POU) all over the world: Parkbenches, Mailboxes, Trashcans, Toilets and Cigarette Machines.

These POU (we’re coining that) are largely considered to be entirely uselss (see what we did there?). However, people do use them – so we figured it was about time to monetize on them.

Yes. The sole purpose of this App is for you to tag a planet’s worth of POU (there’s that acronym again) and for us to then sell the Uselss App and all of the POU map coordinates to a big map system to say Google (or Apple, Amazon, Facebook – we don’t discriminate conglomerates).

Why should you participate? Do read on, you will like the reason.

We want to sell the Uselss App for millions or (and not less likely) billions of dollars. And when that happens (here comes the marketing twist for the ages), our TOP10 users will get the following percentage of the sale/IPO:

Rank 1 - 2%

Rank 2 - 1,5%

Rank 3 - 1,25%

Rank 4 - 1%

Rank 5 - 0,75%


Rank 6 - 0,75%

Rank 7 - 0,5%

Rank 8 - 0,5%

Rank 9 - 0,25%

Rank 10 - 0,25%

You will also share in any earnings (In-App Ads) up to the point of sale, every year.


This is the closest AND easiest way for you to be part of and share in the rewards of an App-startup without doing any of the hard work that comes with it.

Before you run outside and tag away, read on the next page how the Point system works.

Now that you are almost a multi-millionaire from tagging mailboxes and toilets (still sounds strange, doesn’t it?), let us explain the point system:

Tagging of any location - 2 Points

Approving / Disapproving Tags by others - 1 Point

Connect Facebook Account - 25 Points

Connect Twitter Account - 25 Points


Invite a friend via Facebook - 5 Points for each friend who installs the app


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免費玩Uselss App


Uselss LOGO-APP點子

Uselss APP QRCode

Uselss QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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