Our VCP VMware Exam prep App will help you prepare for the Certification exam and fel confident you will pass. The VCP VMware App comes with over 1000 Flash cards and 750 test questions. the flash cards have audio. You can shuffle them, choose to view one side then flip or choose to view both sides at once as you revise. the test questions are chanllenging but fun. The answers are instant with detailed rationales. The test questions are generated randomly from a massive database of over 750 questions, and you have the options of regenerating new questions over and over. by the time you feel comfortable answering all the question you will be ready for the certification test.
The features of the VCP VMware exam prep app include:
-Over 750 test questions
-Over 1000 Flashcards
-Shuffle flash Cards
-Regenerate quizzes
-Instant grading
-In depth rationales
...and many more. With this App you will definately pass the certification test
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免費玩VCP VMware Certified Exam Prep App
熱門國家 | 系統支援 | 版本 | 費用 | APP評分 | 上架日期 | 更新日期 |
未知 | Android Google Play | 0.1 App下載 | USD$2.89 | 1970-01-01 | 2015-04-21 |