



Today, KALINGA DIGITAL MEDIA PVT. LTD. (KDMPL) has a dominant position in the Indian ICT media industry. Apart from publishing VARINDIA , its flagship print magazine and India’s leading technology & IT news portal, the company takes pride in its overall Network through on-line edition (www.varindia.com) to address the VARs and Enterprises, IT Technology in house and state-of-art Test center & Market Research services as the main foray of business. Our other important services includes the oraganisation of various technology flagship events throughout the year at the National and International level. Brand Book for Indian ICT Industry, which has become the prized possession of discerning readers and corporate across the country, is latest crème de la crème from KDMP. 3rdissue of the Brandbook will hit the market soon.

Reflecting the international scope of its business, KDMPL has also been expanding its service presence in international markets in Singapore and Pittsburgh (USA) by offering off-shoring advantages and delivering value through service level-based and project scope-based deliveries through Techno Blogging and VAR connect. Our ‘Ask an expert’ section for the lead generation activity for the Corporates and newly added ‘Techno-blogging’ link are for connecting all technology companies and bringing them on one platform.


Since, its inception in 1999, KDMPL has been a frontrunner in providing unbiased, in-depth news stories and analysis related to ICT solutions and services offered in India by leading Corporates in the country and the world with a difference through our publication VAR INDIA! We say it is "The ultimate voice of the Indian (VARs)-Value Added Resellers." It is a Magazine for Indian VARs – It has rightly so earned its rightful place as the India's Frontline IT Magazine.

With over 26,000 copies circulated in every month reaches to all the metros and some 195 cities, towns and talukas in India. Entering through www.varindia.com provides our audience collection of news, trends reviews and opinions which are of great support for the corporates equipping them with endless possibilities, Also, we have the opportunity where the corporate can interact with the team of experts from various areas and verticals starting from desktop to PC peripherals to Big data and smarter Analytics.

Quality Policy :

Today, KDMPL, an ISO 9001:2008 certified organization, is positioned as a premier IT publication house. We have a strong team with a technical base with a strong focus on providing quality service by deliverance of solutions for business advantage.

Innovation and attention to detail have been the foundation of KDMPL’s growth and success. Ongoing training and programs, technical research and investment in specialized technology continue to keep KDMPL at the forefront of the industry.

Quality Objectives :

Customer satisfaction


Quality of production

Responsiveness from editorial departments


Strengthen the brand image of each customers

Profitability of the organization


Customer Testimonials :

Acting as market intelligence resource for vendors, resellers and end customers, VAR INDIA remains the leading publication in the country and assumes the role of a consultancy in ensuring sustainable and innovative solutions to public as well as private sector clients.

Our overall Network includes the online audience, magazine readers and event attendees.

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