【實用教育app】Varn Gyan|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Varn Gyan|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Varn Gyan-APP點子

Develop young pupils learning, writing and playing skills with Varn Gyan - the definitive early learning tool that enables you to learn swar and vyanjan. The new Varn Gyan app is a complete learning tool.HELP EVERY CHILD ACHIEVE LEARNING SUCCESS.Pupils can listen the sound of an alphabet and can view the image of the desired thing starting from the desired alphabet. Numerous support options are available like- redo, undo are available to make it easy-going.HELP IMPROVING DRAWING SKETCHING SKILSS.Pupils are provided with a sketch board where they can show their creativity by drawing anything they fantasies. Multiple tools for drawing like- paint brush, colors, eraser etc are provided to enhance your drawing. PLAY TO REJUVENATE INCREASE BRAIN POWER.After you have learned enough, we have a quiz section for you to check your level of learning. Multiple images are shown for a single alphabet and the user has to select which image starts from the corresponding alphabet. Even more exciting part is you can share your scores on Facebook as well as Twitter.RECORD YOUR SOUND Record your sound and listen how well you pronounce the words.

【免費教育App】Varn Gyan-APP點子

【免費教育App】Varn Gyan-APP點子

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