



Technology for Fundamental Analysis.For investors who believe in their own ability to analyze fundamentals and make investment decisions.Fundamental Analysis just got easier!Fundamental Analysis is arguably the best investment decision making tool and yet is the least utilized because of its time consuming, tedious nature.Verdasis changes that.Verdasis takes care of gathering the required financial statements and market data and provides tools to analyze and track various performance and valuation measures.The mobile application is intended to help perform quick analysis on securities using various Fundamental Analysis measures. The application is meant to complement the web based application created by Verdant Analysis Inc. which provides a more comprehensive feature set for performing Fundamental Analysis.When you create your mobile account it also gives you access to the web application which you can access by visiting www.verdasis.com.Both applications are designed to help you make more informed and better investment decisions while saving you time.The measures provided are based on standard industry calculations using financial statements and other market data obtained online. Part of the value of our application is that we do this data aggregation for you so you can just focus on using it to perform analysis.Our list of measures will continue to evolve but as we add more measures you won't have to update the app they will appear automatically in the list of measures available to you when creating an analysis.All measures are calculated on a nightly basis as needed.The security listings and other market data are obtained from various online sources. As such the availability and quality of data can vary. We are working on improving our data feeds and plan on having several different pricing levels of data feeds made available in the future.All security listings and market data are updated on a nightly basis. All security prices are intended to reflect the last closing price available.We currently provide data for securities on the following exchanges:NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)TSE (Toronto Stock Exchange)NASDAQ





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