



To print a copy of the AR marker image or get instructions on how to use the app, go to this link: http://t.uga.edu/1dmThis app was created for two reasons. First, as an innovative way to encourage undergraduate students to apply for admission to the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia. Second, as a way to inform donors to the College about innovative new teaching materials being created within the College and incorporated into the curriculum. For the undergraduate student audience, two special markers are incorporated into printed material about the College and its application process. Typically, these materials are given to the students that visit the College or participate in career fairs, and very often end up being thrown away. We believe this approach will change that and allow our College to stand out from the others. Rather than simply consisting of text and static images, one of the images on the card will serve as a marker that triggers an animated cartoon-version of the university’s mascot dressed as a veterinarian. The mascot will indicate that the College is interested in receiving the student’s application in several ways, including hand gestures, facial changes and holding up a sign with the admission office’s website. The second marker will trigger an animated, rotating 3-D model of the heart indicative of the new teaching materials being used in the curriculum. The outer surface of this model can be rendered transparent, allowing the students to see the heart valves in action from any point of view.For the donors, two markers printed on postcards will be used as well. One will trigger a modified version of the university’s mascot, except that he will be holding up a sign with the words “Thank you for your support” on it. The second marker will trigger the heart model used for the undergraduate students. The aim of including the heart is to let people donating to the College see the new technologies they are supporting.Features• Recognizes unique augmented reality markers embedded in printed materials provided to undergraduate students and donors• Triggers a variety of moves by the College’s mascot to encourage students to apply to the school and to thank the donors for their support• Engages the viewer in information typically presented as text or static images







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