【實用生產應用app】Viamente Fleet Mobile|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】Viamente Fleet Mobile|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】Viamente Fleet Mobile-APP點子

Receive and execute routes and schedules created with Viamente Fleet. Tap on each stop for getting turn-by-turn directions and for visualizing details and notes. You can easily check-in / check-out and modify any stop’s status in order to update your office for an easy and effective progress-reporting experience which enables same-day operations and real-time re-planning. Viamente Fleet is a robust and human-friendly product for Vehicle Routing and Scheduling which also allows for automatic dispatching to drivers’ mobile apps. Multi-vehicles routes can be created in seconds in full compliance with a variety of constraints: time windows, load-capacity limits and skill-based assignments are taken into consideration by Viamente’s proprietary algorithms, together with user-defined regions and traffic profiles for more realistic results. A granular cost-model definition is also available for making sure that the correct parameters drive the optimization process.Once routes have been optimized, intuitive tools support the decision-making process of the user: modifications and simulations are facilitated by drag & drop, swap functionality and last-minute fit-in of new orders. Performance indicators allow to follow step by step the impact of modifications on mileage, costs and time.Approved routes are dispatched to driver mobile apps for execution and progress reporting in real time: updated ETA are sent from the field to Viamente Fleet for a monitoring experience which is not compromised by an excessive flow of unnecessary data, but that focuses on highlighting anomalies (delays, jeopardized stops, etc.). Dispatchers/planners can then react to such anomalies and to unpredicted/unpredictable events, re-plan, modify routes on the fly and send them back to the drivers. High-value stops can be added as the day progresses and are assigned to the best eligible resource.

【免費生產應用App】Viamente Fleet Mobile-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】Viamente Fleet Mobile-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】Viamente Fleet Mobile-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】Viamente Fleet Mobile-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】Viamente Fleet Mobile-APP點子

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