【實用媒體與影片app】Video Downloader For Android|最夯免費app

【實用媒體與影片app】Video Downloader For Android|最夯免費app


【免費媒體與影片App】Video Downloader For Android-APP點子

Video Downloader For Android is the best app to download videos from Internet to your Android device. It can download and save videos in many formats as FLV, MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG, WMV, 3GP, MKV, etc. You will enjoy your favorite videos on your phone or tablet without Internet connection.

It automatically detects links from the Web browser, so you don't need to copy and paste them in the app.


- Download videos in parallel parts to increase and accelerate the download speed

- Resume paused or broken downloads if it is supported by the website.

- Pause, delete, cancel and restart downloads when you want

- Support for large file videos (over 1 GB)

【免費媒體與影片App】Video Downloader For Android-APP點子

- Support many formats: FLV, MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, MPEG, 3GP, MKV, etc

- Many videos may be downloaded simultaneously or in queue

- Run in background

- Automatically detects the links from your Web browser

- Find easily your downloads in a folder

- Open videos with your favorite media player

- Delete directly the videos that you don't want anymore to save space

【免費媒體與影片App】Video Downloader For Android-APP點子

- It is available in different languages: English, Spanish, French, etc.

免費玩Video Downloader For Android APP玩免費

免費玩Video Downloader For Android App

Video Downloader For Android APP LOGO

Video Downloader For Android LOGO-APP點子

Video Downloader For Android APP QRCode

Video Downloader For Android QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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