【實用攝影app】Video Watermark|最夯免費app

【實用攝影app】Video Watermark|最夯免費app


【免費攝影App】Video Watermark-APP點子

Protect your videos with your own text, image or logo watermark, right on your iPhone and iPad, with Video Watermark. Create your watermark with your very own text, or with one of your images, adjust its position, shape and opacity over your video, add it an eventual animation, and share or save your protected video; it's that simple !Use Video Watermark to also add information on your videos such as, location, event, people...Protect your videos in 5 simple steps:-Choose one of your video in your library, or record a new one; eventually trim the part of the video you want to protect.-Create your watermark. Create your very own watermark text, and choose it color and font, or use one of your image as watermark.-Adjust the watermark position, scale and rotation over the video with the classic gestures.-Add an eventual animation to the watermark and adjust its opacity.-Preview the protected video and export it to Facebook, dropbox, send it by email or save it in your photo library.Special features:-More than 50 different fonts to customize your watermark text .-Add the © and ™symbols to your watermark text.-10 different animations for your watermark: fade out, fade in, cross the screen from right to left, -cross the screen from left to right, rotate…-Use the classic gestures (pinch, drag, rotate) to adjust the watermark over the video.-Preview of the protected video before saving or exporting it.-Save the protected video in your photo library, share it by email, publish it on Facebook or send it to Dropbox.-Universal app: works on both iPhone and iPad.Check out many other great apps for the iPhone and iPad at ww.SEB-APPSTORE.com

【免費攝影App】Video Watermark-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Video Watermark-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Video Watermark-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Video Watermark-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Video Watermark-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Video Watermark-APP點子

免費玩Video Watermark APP玩免費

免費玩Video Watermark App

Video Watermark APP LOGO

Video Watermark LOGO-APP點子

Video Watermark APP QRCode

Video Watermark QRCode-APP點子
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