【實用攝影app】VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums|最夯免費app

【實用攝影app】VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums|最夯免費app


【免費攝影App】VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums-APP點子

VideoAlbum enables you to turn your photos into attractive digital albums, or photo movies. You can play them on your iPhone, or computers. File creation is very easy, you just have to import photos into the interface, with drag & drop and generate the album. AlbumGo enables you to add themes, effects, frames and music to your photos to express your creativity or moods. You can save and modify the albums as many times as you wish. You can also preview the photo movies at any time, or even export the HD video to iPhone’s camera roll or your computer. With the option to add background music, drag & drop your favorite music from the music library on your iPhone. Dozens of themes are available for you to choose from, to make a personalized digital album. Just drag and drop!

Key Features:

【免費攝影App】VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums-APP點子

Drag & drop to build a personalized photo movie in few minutes.

View album lists in professional & beautiful Cover flow style.

Unlimited digital albums & personalized cover image, title, theme and music.

【免費攝影App】VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums-APP點子

Preview your modification at any time as you wish.

Rotate & pinch photos to cut it into your favorite shape.

Add effects & background music, enable smart fading out function.

【免費攝影App】VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums-APP點子

Dozens of themes are available, more themes will be continuously added.

Export HD movie to iPhone’s camera roll, or save to your computer.

【免費攝影App】VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums-APP點子

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VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums APP LOGO

VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums LOGO-APP點子

VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums APP QRCode

VideoAlbum HD - Make video and digital photo albums QRCode-APP點子
台灣 TaiwaniOS
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