



We are an education based website that covers every taught subject area in the United States. Our highly informative lessons, grouped with engaging exercises, and supplementary materials ensure that the most thorough and accurate information is being conveyed. Not only do we pride ourselves on the thoroughness of the website, we also allow our community members to join in the knowledge sharing experience. Members of the VideoClass community have the option to share or sell their knowledge by making their own, original video lessons, exercises and supplementary materials.

The Video Class application allows ease of access to all of the features included on the VideoClass website. The listed ”School” subject areas of Biology, Chemistry, English, History, Literature, Mathematics and Physics each are compiled of a detailed curriculum. The “University” level is currently being expanded but the subject areas included are Social Sciences, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Formal Sciences, Professions and Applied Sciences and Medicine. By choosing any of the subject areas, listed are all of the elements taught in the specific subject. Each element or subcategory is where the video lessons, exercises and supplementary materials are located. Video lessons are aligned and created with the Common Core State Standards Initiative as the basis for each lesson. The exercises are textbook quality and testing standard appropriate. The user has the capability to adjust the level of difficulty and track their retention on the application for ease of reference and accomplishment. The multiple choice answers and tools for working out a problem assist the user in successfully answering a question. If the user is to get an answer wrong, they have additional times to work out the problem and successfully solve it.

Supplementary materials are accessible in the form of word documents and PDF files which can be directly viewed and/or downloaded onto the viewing device used by the user. The “Learning Trees” are the VideoClass basis of all learning. Each tree has branches (subcategories) which lead to leafs (videos, supplementary materials, exercises). These branches replicate the learning process and how one area taught, lead to the next, to new learning and growth. All elements that can be accessed on the website are readily available for access on the application. These elements are listed, but not limited to: Video Lessons, Exercises, Answers, Learning Trees, Supplementary Materials, Basket, Report a Problem, Contact, F.A.Q., Jobs, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, VCRecorder, Request a Lesson, and Sell/Share Your Knowledge.

The “Sell/Share Your Knowledge” allows users to contribute their knowledge, video lessons, exercises, original supplementary materials and any other type of information pertaining to a subject area covered on the website. The user may opt to sell their “knowledge” by placing a rate per view or download on the material. Once this is purchased by a buyer, they own the material for their own personal use. Please visit our website to view all of these elements and to become familiarized with VideoClass.com






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智慧谷 亲情系列 愿望树 ● 童话故事 宝宝故事

● 适合2-7岁孩子:操作方便,即使妈妈们忙碌时,也可以安心的让宝宝们自己独立欣赏读物。 ● 专业配音:中文由专业级播音主持人录制,英文由美国外教录制,地道的语境熏陶。 ● 睡眠模式:晚上8点以后改为缓慢音乐,减低了按钮声效! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◈【简介】◈ …
トゥイーティーと 英語で遊ぼう

リリース記念! 期間限定 特別価格¥200でのご提供です! セール期間が終了しだい、通常ご提供価格¥500となります。 『トゥイーティー』の名作アニメ7本を全編を使った英語知育アプリが新登場! 動画の再生中に現れるハートマークをタッチすると、ナレーションと共に英単語が表示されます。 楽しいアニメを見 …

iPhone/iPad版でシリーズ累計30万DLを記録! 絵本作家・中川ひろたかさんの文章にイラストレーターの長谷川直子さんのイラスト、麦穂杏奈さんによるナレーションの「あかずきん」です。 文章は中川ひろたかさんが電子絵本のためだけに書き下ろし! さらに、長谷川直子さんのかわいいイラストがお話に花 …

英語の多読をするならこの多読応援アプリです。かんたんな英語の絵本を読んで、多読をすすめられます。英語の絵本と言ってもこの多読応援アプリには全部で12話が収められていて総語数は1万語に及びます。絵本なので初心者向けですが、個人差もございますのでご購入の前にこの文章の最後に絵本から掲載英文を抜粋してます …