



VioRhythm displays your individual biorhythm in colorful graph,comments it depending on the language selected by the user and recommends something that is appropriate so that you can understand why you feel the way you feel.

A person's life is affected by rhythmic biological cycles which affect one's ability in various domains, such as mental, physical, and emotional activity.

These cycles begin at birth and oscillate in a steady sine wave fashion throughout life; thus, by modeling them mathematically, a person's level of these domains can be predicted from day to day.

Most biorhythm models use three cycles: a 23-day "physical" cycle, a 28-day "emotional" cycle, and a 33-day "intellectual" cycle.


The 23- and 28-day rhythms used by biorhythmists were first found in the late nineteenth century by William Fliess, a Berlin physician.

Alfred Teltscher, professor of engineering at the University of Innsbruck, came to the conclusion that his students' good and bad days followed a rhythmic pattern of 33 days.


* Physical, emotional and intellectual rhythms based on the date of birth appear on colorful graph.


* Note intelligibly the user's biorhythm

* The choice of language

* Automatic preserving once you set the birth

* Resetting the date of birth



English, Korean and Chinese


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