



In 2005, Voltree Power was the first to harvest metabolic energy from non-animal organisms such as trees and plants. Uncovering the mystery of thescience behind tree power through research sponsored at MIT, VoltreePower developed a bioenergy harvester currently being used in practical,cost-effective, and innovative sensing solutions focusing on agricultural,environmental and national resource preservation. And now Voltree isproviding this technology in the form of a science kit to help inspire next-generation scientists. CircuiTree was not just developed to help you understandthe science behind tree power but to encourage hands-on science by providingyoung scientists with the tools to put together a bioenergy circuit that will flashan LED with tree power. Voltree would like you to take things a step further byencouraging participation in various scientific methods such as data collectionand experimentation. With our app you will be able to share your data withothers and provide some very thought provoking ideas as to how you can boostthis power or just get creative with it. Voltree challenges you to take treepower to the next level.






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