



Voodoo RULES LITE - STRESS RELIEVEREveryone has someone who rubs them the wrong way. All too often the irksome individual is someone who somehow has the authority to make your life miserable… Maybe it’s a boss, a teacher, a fellow employee, a fellow student, or who knows… It could be anybody!What to do? What to do?Well, the Witch Doctor’s got the cure for WHO ails you!That’s right… The Voodoo RULES Witch Doctor has pulled together some of his most powerful Ju Ju, placed it into an innocent looking burlap sack, and adorned that sack with a little something he calls the Captivating Camera Charm.In days gone by, witch doctor’s would have to extract a talisman from the intended… Something like a lock of hair or a few drops of precious red blood. Our Witch Doctor performed a little technical magic to create something he calls the Captivating Camera Charm in the Full Version of Voodoo RULES. That charm uses a special Black Ju Ju to capture the intended’s, dare we say … soul?Now that’s what I call a Talisman!In a response to popular demand the Witch Doctor wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to get a little stress relief even if they didn't have the full version of Voodoo RULES, so he used a bit of his Black Ju Ju to conjure up this LITE version of the Voodoo RULLES!Now everyone can have a bit of Stress Relief. Take your pick of several Potent and Powerful Pins that, legend has it, can do a host of things from causing headaches or a mild case of indigestion to well … We don’t even want to think about the other extremes…PINS Include! Red Ruby Heart PIN! Jade Gastric Distress Pin Turquoise Lung Pin Ivory (not real ivory) Skull pin Light Antique Bone Pin Dark Antique Bone Pin So if you know someone who’s DUE a little Voodoo… download a copy of VoodooRULES and make em PAY!http://VoodooRULES.com





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My Name As Jedi

Your name as Jedi!Generates your name as Jedi.Type in your name and see what you would be called as a Jedi.Type in your friends names and tell them wh …