【實用工具app】Wake My Android Pro (free)|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Wake My Android Pro (free)|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Wake My Android Pro (free)-APP點子

Entering "DEEP SLEEP" mode will cut-off the internet connection, and this application is for keep the internet connection always on by keeping the system always in "SLEEP" mode.

You have to understand the different between "sleep" mode and "deep sleep" mode before installing this application. Please read this description (and note below) before install, rate and review. Thank you.

【免費工具App】Wake My Android Pro (free)-APP點子

DISCLAIMER: It is made available for use at your own risk with no warranty of any kind. The default of this application is not active and by activate this application, means that you have agreed with the contents of the disclaimer.

If you love this application, please consider the donate version. Please search: Gejos Enterprise to find the donate version. Your donation will help to support my work. Thank you very much.

【免費工具App】Wake My Android Pro (free)-APP點子

This application is FREE and will always be FREE (works fine without donate version installed).

Wake My Android Pro is FREE, 100% ads free. Please rate and review wisely, and please read this description first before rate and review. Thank you.

【免費工具App】Wake My Android Pro (free)-APP點子

Wake My Android Pro prevents the system entering "deep sleep" mode and will keep in "sleep" mode. Keep in mind, when the system in "sleep" mode, your mobile data connection will always on (mobile data means gsm/cdma/sellular internet connection not for wifi!).

This application will not drain your battery. The battery life will almost same consume with or without this application when running (meaning in "sleep" mode).

【免費工具App】Wake My Android Pro (free)-APP點子

The one and the only WAKE_LOCK application keep your "Android alive" in sleep mode. Same standard WAKE_LOCK with different programming method.

This application works like you are pressing a power button to wake the device for preventing the device go to deep sleep or out of from the deep sleep. Will always keep in sleep mode by wake the device before entering sleep of death in invisible way without drain your battery because the device will still in sleep mode.

【免費工具App】Wake My Android Pro (free)-APP點子

This application widgets will never refresh by interval (except will only refresh when you touch it for changing the mode), meaning will not drain the battery.


Do not run this application with another wakelock program. Wake My Android will not run correctly if another wakelock program also running.

【免費工具App】Wake My Android Pro (free)-APP點子

Wake My Android Pro will wake (invisible wake) the device in periodic time (depends on user setting). If you are lost data signal or your provider temporary cut off the connection, this application will not suddenly reconnect the mobile data connection, it will reconnect when the period time to wake reaches. If it happens, please don't blame to this application.

Because Wake My Android Pro wake (invisible wake) the device in periodic time, if your device entering "deep sleep" right away (without entering "sleep" mode) when device turn off screen. don't install this application. It won't help.

【免費工具App】Wake My Android Pro (free)-APP點子

Some tweak set the pm.sleep_mode below than 3 (default setting is pm.sleep_mode=3). Setting the value below than 3 will make the applications suspend when in sleep mode. Also please don't blame to this application if not work correctly if you are set the pm.sleep_mode below than 3.

Use back button to save and execute new setting (not the home button).

【免費工具App】Wake My Android Pro (free)-APP點子

All my apps have "unique" method to unload and reload service. It will automatic kill itself to save RAM and will reactive the service when need it. Don't worry, this app still active even you cannot find it in the system as running. Wake My Android Pro is the first app I've created using "unique" method. This app is the beginning of all my "unique" method apps that I use.

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Wake My Android Pro (free) APP LOGO

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Wake My Android Pro (free) APP QRCode

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