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【實用生活app】Wallpapers 2014 ®|最夯免費app


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HD Wallpapers All Optimized for the latest iOS 7, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C & iPod Touch 5 (640 x 1136), iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPad 3rd Gen and all other iOS devices. New Year 2014 brightens up each day with joy, warmth, new promises and good tidings. Wish everyone with New Year Wallpapers for Free --------------------------------*New Features*● 1000+ Unique & High quality New Year images and Backgrounds● SLIDE SHOW feature to turn your device into a stunning picture frame● Amazing Graphics and illustrations designed by Artists Exclusively for New Year● Save the images to your library and set them as your own wallpaper● The Fastest Wallpaper app with easy and intuitive user interface ● Fun to share beautiful images through SNS such as Facebook, Twitter and Email.● New Unique & Superb quality New Year wallpapers added Daily● No more slow loading problem. Super fast- loading● 100% free downloading with less memory consumption ----------------------------This New Year 2014, Wish all your friends/ family/ acquaintances a happy and successful New Year the joy and happiness in the world, the gifts of joy, merriment and all that is beautiful and fulfilling one with New Year WallpapersDisclaimerAll the contents are collected from different sources those doesn’t violate copyright law and the purpose of this application is fully non-commercial.Special NoteYour Rating & Feedback make us wake up & inspire for new creation every day. Please post your valuable opinions in terms of Ratings & Reviews. Don’t forget to like & get social with us on FB & follow us on Twitter for updates & special promotions._Visit Us: www.applords.wordpress.com_Contact Us: info.applords@gmail.com_Get Our Support: helpline.applords@gmail.com_Follow Us: http://twitter.com/applords_Like Us: http://facebook.com/ app.lords

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