【實用工具app】Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a part|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a part|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a party or in addition to your real breakdown triangle)-APP點子

Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a party or in addition to your real breakdown triangle) This is the first Warning Triangle App for your iPhone! Now you have the chance to warn others in case of an emergency or just to draw someone's attention to yourself. With its many configurations like optional alarm sounds, flashing on/off, animation on/off you can individually customize the app to suit your needs. Of course you can also use it to announce a round of free beer in your favorite pub. FEATURES: - elegant and intuitive user interface - perfect light/dark contrast - optional flashing og warning triangle - optional alarm sound - optional animation - just one tap and the warning triangle is up and running - perfect for everyday use - and of course in case of an emergency SUPPORT: We like to hear what you think of our app, what we could do better and how you are using it. Please be kind in your app reviews and tell others how you use Warning Triangle. If you find a bug or have a complaint, please contact us before leaving a review - we will do everything to help. DISCLAIMER: It is not allowed to use this application in public traffic. This app is not an alternative to a real breakdown triangle / warning triangle. It is meant just for fun, so please use a real breakdown triangle in public traffic. AdamasVision does not assume any liability regarding the use of this app.

【免費工具App】Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a party or in addition to your real breakdown triangle)-APP點子

【免費工具App】Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a party or in addition to your real breakdown triangle)-APP點子

免費玩Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a party or in addition to your real breakdown triangle) APP玩免費

免費玩Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a party or in addition to your real breakdown triangle) App

Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a party or in addition to your real breakdown triangle) APP LOGO

Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a party or in addition to your real breakdown triangle) LOGO-APP點子

Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a party or in addition to your real breakdown triangle) APP QRCode

Warning Triangle 3000 for iPhone - the perfect tool for you on the road or at home (useful at a party or in addition to your real breakdown triangle) QRCode-APP點子
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