【實用個人化app】Wear.Webcam Watchface|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Wear.Webcam Watchface|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Wear.Webcam Watchface-APP點子

With "Wear.Webcam" you can set your favorite webcams as background image of your Android Wear.

JPEG and MJPEG Webcams are currently supported.

This way, you can check the weather conditions at your favorite skiing area, check the waves or wind at the ocean, ... Never miss a wave - Never miss a good downhill slope!

Best Android Wear Apps: "A unique watch face for your watch, don’t just track the weather conditions on your wrist, see the current status and look of the weather right on your Android Wear watch."

【免費個人化App】Wear.Webcam Watchface-APP點子

With Version 2.+ you can store all your webcams in a "Favorites" list, and you can switch between webcams directly from the config menu on your watch.

Moreover, Wear.Webcam comes equipped with 9 pre-installed webcams, traffic news in New York and San Francisco, but also live satellite images showing the Earths cloud cover from 35.000km, or NASA Blue Marble including night view.

"When I look out of the window in the office, I often see just clouds, but when I look at the webcam of my favorite skiing spot, I see that it's sunny up there. With 'Wear.Webcam' I can monitor my favorite spot all day long just by looking at my Android wear once in a while!"

Any image can be used with Wear.Webcam, not only webcams.

Supported Devices:

• Motorola Moto360

【免費個人化App】Wear.Webcam Watchface-APP點子


• LG G Watch

【免費個人化App】Wear.Webcam Watchface-APP點子

• Samsung Gear LIVE

• SmartWatch 3

【免費個人化App】Wear.Webcam Watchface-APP點子

• ASUS ZenWatch (optimized for Low-Bit Ambient Mode)

• Sony 3 Android Wear

【免費個人化App】Wear.Webcam Watchface-APP點子

• LG Watch Urbane

• ... and any other smartwatches with Android Wear

We support round and squared Android Wear watches.

This Watchface has been created by a team of ski bums, sailors, surfers, paragliders - mountain and outdoor enthusiasts.

How do I determine the image URL of a specific Webcam?

Open the Webcam of your choice on your Mac/PC and right click on the image of the webcam. Usually you should see the address of the image e.f. http://easy10.it-wms.com/big_current1.jpg

Open the "Android Wear" app on your Android phone and go to the Settings of "Wear.Webcam" and enter the URL.

Find and share Webcam URLs on the Wear.Webcam Google+ Community (https://plus.google.com/communities/105805748857237012543)

Update History:

*** 2015-02-26 ***

This version fixes a bug in the Wear Config menu, where sometimes webcams were not loaded.

*** 2015-02-23 ***

Wear.Webcam now has several ways to fit the webcam to the screen: Animated (see video!), Crop Center, Crop Left, Crop Right, Squeezed. Webcam image loading has been improved by 92,5% and is much faster now

*** 2015-02-20 ***

With version 2.0 "Wear.Webcam" becomes a Webcam "Browser":

【免費個人化App】Wear.Webcam Watchface-APP點子

With version 1.x you had only one webcam listed within the app, and you had to type in other webcams again if you wanted to switch. With version 2.0 you have a whole list of "Favorites", just like in Internet Browsers, and you can switch webcams from the Android Wear config menu.

2.0 also contains 9 "pre-installed" Webcams, from NASA Blue Marble, to the current cloud cover, San Francisco traffic cameras, and more.

*** 2015-02-10 ***

- Customers pointed out that showing the Webcam image in Ambient mode should be a user option (some wanted the Webcam image in Ambient mode, some did not want it to save battery). Not it is an option in the Settings.

- Now optimized for Low-bit devices like the ASUS ZenWatch

*** 2015-02-08 ***

- Webcam is shown (again) in Ambient Mode, in case of not Low-bit Ambient. In Low-bit Ambient Mode Wear, the background in Ambient mode is black. (Requested by user)

【免費個人化App】Wear.Webcam Watchface-APP點子

- Startup mechanism speedup

If you have further feature requests, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@wear.webcam

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免費玩Wear.Webcam Watchface App

Wear.Webcam Watchface APP LOGO

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Wear.Webcam Watchface APP QRCode

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