【實用書籍app】Welcome To A Dandyworld|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Welcome To A Dandyworld|最夯免費app


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"The Dandy Story has been featured in a major campaign by McDonald's which included a contest, a page on the company's website, 16 million placemats, and even subway signs throughout Sweden, where Dandy "The Novel" reached #1. The magical tale is currently in the works for a Vegas Musical."

Book One in the Dandy Series:

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In a world of glitz and glamour, mansions and limousines, a boy is born into the lap of luxury. In a tick of the clock, it all is taken away. Young Dandy finds himself cast out from the lavish world he knew, and thrust into a harsh reality as a resident of an orphanage.

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All alone, except for the rats that scurry amongst the shadows, Dandy sits at his bedroom window, when suddenly he is visited by a melody that sweeps him out into the cold night air. Racing down the alleyways, the young boy discovers a magical nightclub, that only he has a VIP ticket to.

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That is until now. You are all invited into this wonder filled extravaganza! Welcome, One and All.. to a crazy world, where if You Can Dream it... You Can Be IT! DANDYWORLD.

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DANDY Created by Andreas Carlsson and Jazan Wild

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Musical Composer / Hitmaker : Andreas Carlsson

Author / Scripter : Jazan Wild

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Artist : David Miller

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Colorist : Matt Yackey

Dandy Copyright 2006 - Jazan Wild / Carnival Comics®

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