



Wellaho helps you get your life back.Manage your illness with Wellaho; improve your quality of life. Learn about your illness, monitor your progress, and get ongoing feedback and support.*Get Informed - Learn from your personalized curriculum and up to date news about your illness. Get answers to your questions from your medical team, family, friends, and other trusted patients. *Save Time - Take one minute a day to view and track your vital signs and symptom trends and share you results with your medical team.*Get Support - Patients who have support have better outcomes. Connect with you medical team, family, friends or other patients in a secure, HIPAA-compliant system.*Improve your quality of life - Get informed, follow your treatment plan and get the support you need to ensure a better quality of life and avoid complications. *Avoid Emergency Room Visits - Follow your treatment plan, keep your medical team informed and avoid potential ER visits.We customize Wellaho for you and your specific condition: Wellaho for Diabetes Management, Wellaho for Heart Failure Management, Wellaho for Weight Management, etc.*Wellaho for Diabetes Management - Learn from over eighty educational modules, including sixty videos, covering type-1 and type-2 diabetes, diet and exercise. Monitor your blood glucose, keep track of your medications, including insulin. Keep your medical team informed about your progress.*Wellaho for Heart Failure Management - Learn how to monitor and manage your symptoms like shortness of breath, fast or irregular heartbeat, tiredness, swelling, and weight change. Keep your medical team informed to avoid potential ER visits. Get the support you need to avoid isolation and potential depression.*Wellaho for Weight-Management - Learn how to manage your weight with ongoing supervision of your medical team and the support of your family, friends and other patients like you. Keep track of your activities, monitor trends in your vital signs and symptoms.*Wellaho for Chronic Kidney Disease - Learn from over sixty educational modules on various treatment options and diet and exercise appropriate for you. Learn how to care for someone with kidney disease.In addition to above illnesses, Wellaho provides disease management modules for the following illnesses:*Heart problems: Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease), Heart Attack, Atrial fibrillation, Angina, Arrhythmia, Hypertension (high blood pressure), High Cholesterol, Anemia *Diabetes: Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes, Diabetic Retinopathy, Peripheral Neuropathy*Respiratory: Sleep Apnea, COPD, Asthma*Mental problems: Depression *Chronic Kidney Disease *Obesity*Cancer - Breast CancerWellaho is available to you when and where you need it. Access Wellaho using any browser at wellaho.com, or monitor your progress using this app.NOTE: Wellaho is only available through a prescription from your doctor. If your doctor has not subscribed to Wellaho, contact us by visiting wellaho.com.



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