【實用工具app】Where Is My ...???|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Where Is My ...???|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Where Is My ...???-APP點子

Where Is My ...??? v1.0

*Sick of spotting that shop during a day trip that sold that lovely hat, but could not find it again on your way back to the coach?

【免費工具App】Where Is My ...???-APP點子

*Annoyed by not knowing where you pitched your tent at a music festival as you try to return to it in the dark (you are in the right field, right?)

【免費工具App】Where Is My ...???-APP點子

*Embarrassed by walking up and down those same lanes in that packed carpark after work as you look for your car, making you look and feel like a car thief?

Well, all that can now be avoided by using Gerbyte's new "Where Is My ...???" Android phone app!

【免費工具App】Where Is My ...???-APP點子

Simply press the button and your current location will be recorded. When you want to return to that spot, look at your Android's screen. Hey presto! The arrow is pointing directly towards where you pressed the button! It will even tell you how close you are (roughly, in meters) to your stored location as well as letting you know if you are at the right height level or not! Perfect for those multi-storey carparks!

【免費工具App】Where Is My ...???-APP點子

【免費工具App】Where Is My ...???-APP點子


Extra care must be taken when following the direction of the arrow as a multitude of different obstacles, such as wall, cars, tents, ravines etc. may be blocking your path. I won't be held responsible for you walking into a canal from following the arrow (like those people who drive into rivers because their satnav told them to).

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免費玩Where Is My ...??? App

Where Is My ...??? APP LOGO

Where Is My ...??? LOGO-APP點子

Where Is My ...??? APP QRCode

Where Is My ...??? QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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