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Join Jordan Cline and Nick Queen and beloved producer Lola Miller, as they bring you the best guests in the paranormal world. Past guests have included Stanton Friedman, the first civilian investigator of Roswell and internationally acclaimed UFOlogist, Mark Nesbitt, operator of one of the most popular ghost tours in the nation, Ghosts of Gettysburg, and many others. Topics range from ghosts to cryptozoology to UFOs, as well as others that fall into the general paranormal realm.This is the most convenient way to access Whispers Radio on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. You're always connected to the latest episode. Instant access, just touch and play!As an added bonus, you get bonus stuff!* Access to exclusive bonus content* Email the show your questions and comments* Follow the show on Twitter* Streaming access to play episode from anywhere* Always updated with the latest episodes- and an archived back catalog* Download the episodes and play them when offline* Playback resume (when interrupted by a call or other distraction)* Favorites (mark the episodes you want to return back to over and over)* Quick access to all the contact methods for the show(Please note, not all features are available for all episodes.)

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