【實用生活app】Who are you|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Who are you|最夯免費app


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WhoRu(Who are you) reads messages and calling line with TTS(Text To Speech)

It's convenient when you are driving or far from your device.

-. Important Notifications.

* Be sure that your phone supports the TTS engine before purchasing the app. it will not work if the phone does not have a TTS engine.

* Since this app uses the hardware environmental of the device, we does not guarantee that it works correctly on all smartphone have TTS engine.

【免費生活App】Who are you-APP點子

* Please test the function immediately after installing the app. If it does not work properly, please request refund immediately.

o Android version

-. WhoRu support Android 4.0 or higher.

o TTS(Text To Speech) engine

-. WhoRu uses the TTS engine which is installed on the smart phones.

-. You cannot use the voice playback function if the TTS engine is not installed in your smart phone.

【免費生活App】Who are you-APP點子

-. Even if the TTS engine is installed, if it does not support the language you want to use, you cannot use the voice playback.

-. WhoRu supports the following languages. But, if the TTS engine does not support the language, you cannot use the voice playback.

--Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English(US), English(UK), French(France), Italian(Italy), Spanish(Spain), German(Germany)

o Check TTS Engine and Supported Languages

-. Check and see whether there is TTS engine at [Setting > TTS Engine]. If you do not have TTS engine, retry after installation at Google Play.

【免費生活App】Who are you-APP點子

-. Check whether there is the language that you want to use at [Setting > TTS Languages]. If there is the language that you want to use, select and check it through pre-listening. In case the language that you want to use does not exist, that is not supported by the TTS engine, so please install other TTS engine which supports that language.

o TTS Engine install

-. In case of android smart phones, the Google TTS engine is installed by default. It supports English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish, so those language users do not need to install it separately.

-. SVOX TTS engine is recommended if you need to use the TTS engine which is not installed on your smart phone. SVOX supports various languages and voices, and you can hear the sample voice before purchasing. You can install and test SVOX through the below link.


【免費生活App】Who are you-APP點子

Please see the SVOX website for the instructions.(http://svoxmobilevoices.wordpress.com/how-to-use/)

-. For the Samsung smart phone users, Samsung TTS engine is recommended. However, if you want to use Japanese, you should install the additional TTS engine before using, because Samsung TTS engine does not support Japanese.

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