【實用拼字app】Word Stretcher|最夯免費app

【實用拼字app】Word Stretcher|最夯免費app


【免費拼字App】Word Stretcher-APP點子

WORD-STRETCHER is a word-game that can be played by 2 to 6 persons.

So far the game can be played in English or Dutch.

【免費拼字App】Word Stretcher-APP點子

For handsets and tablets with screen-size 4 inches and higher.

The purpose of this game is to score points by adding letters to an opening letter and thus creating a word or the possibility of a word.

The number of points needed to win a match should be decided upon and set before the beginning of the game.

The nice thing about this game is that it's possible to keep forming new words or to think of a word that your opponents can't guess or simply to bluff that you have such a word. And also choosing the right tactic is important.

【免費拼字App】Word Stretcher-APP點子

So far the game can be played in English and Dutch.


The computer automatically generates an opening letter. Each player gets a turn to add one letter.This can be on the left-side, on the right-side, or somewhere in between the letters already in place. These have to

【免費拼字App】Word Stretcher-APP點子

remain in the same order though ! !

After the PLAY button is pushed,the computer checks if it's an existing word. If it is,the player gets a point for every letter of that word, if not he only gets a point for the one letter that he placed. After each player has passed or after the CALL button has been used, a new round starts and the

【免費拼字App】Word Stretcher-APP點子

computer generates a new letter. When match-point is reached and made, the game ends immediately.

【免費拼字App】Word Stretcher-APP點子

免費玩Word Stretcher APP玩免費

免費玩Word Stretcher App

Word Stretcher APP LOGO

Word Stretcher LOGO-APP點子

Word Stretcher APP QRCode

Word Stretcher QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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