【實用教育app】WordUP Arabic LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】WordUP Arabic LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】WordUP Arabic LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems-APP點子

iTunes Customer Reviews for WordUP:“Love it” ★★★★★“Powerful” ★★★★★“Just what I wanted” ★★★★★“Great for vocabulary building” ★★★★★WordUP Arabic LITE is a bilingual dictionary and vocabulary-building app with full audio for Arabic language learners of all levels. Take your Arabic language ability to the next level with WordUP! A great app for studying Arabic or for when you travel to Arabic-speaking countries. Made by Mirai Language Systems in partnership with Collins® Dictionaries.★ Great Dictionary and Phrase Book ContentWordUP Arabic LITE contains:(1) an authoritative two-way (Arabic–English and English–Arabic) dictionary, and(2) a phrase book of commonly-used Arabic phrases.☝ This free LITE Version has 300 words and phrases.⇧ Upgrade to the FULL Version with over 12,000 words and phrases, all with audio.All words and phrases were compiled by Collins® Dictionaries and feature accompanying audio recordings by native Arabic speakers.Look up Arabic words or phrases using the simple search function.★ Record & CompareWordUP boasts a truly innovative “Record & Compare” function, which enables you to record your own voice and compare it with the native Arabic audio. There is simply no better way to improve your pronunciation.★ PlaylistsIn addition, you can create Arabic study lists of your own words and phrases, and listen to the words in a playlist. This is great for improving listening comprehension while relaxing.★ FlashcardsWith WordUP you can also view Arabic words and phrases as flashcards, which is a powerful way to help you retain the vocabulary. Two flashcard systems are offered: (1) a “Simple” linear flashcard system and (2) the “Leitner” spaced recognition system (SRS).★ QuizzesTest yourself with timed and interactive quizzes. Choose the number of questions in the quiz, and get a quick gauge on how well you have retained the Arabic words and phrases learned.★ History and ShareMonitor your progress at a glance with the history function, and share any Arabic word or phrase with your friends and family with astonishing ease!✪ About UsMirai Language Systems specializes in creating language-learning applications for iOS devices. Mirai’s apps have been featured numerous times by Apple on the App Store. Our motto is: “Changing the Way People Learn Languages.”WordUP is also available for the following languages:Chinese (Mandarin) ⋅ Croatian ⋅ Czech ⋅ Danish ⋅ Dutch ⋅ Finnish ⋅ French ⋅ German ⋅ Greek ⋅ Italian ⋅ Japanese ⋅ Korean ⋅ Norwegian ⋅ Polish ⋅ Portuguese (Brazilian) ⋅ Portuguese (Iberian) ⋅ Russian ⋅ Spanish (Iberian) ⋅ Spanish (Latin American) ⋅ Swedish ⋅ Thai ⋅ Turkish ⋅ VietnameseData is supplied by and copyright of:© 2011–2012 HarperCollinsWordUP Arabic LITE is copyright of:© 2011–2012 Mirai Language Systems

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【免費教育App】WordUP Arabic LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems-APP點子

【免費教育App】WordUP Arabic LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems-APP點子

【免費教育App】WordUP Arabic LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems-APP點子

【免費教育App】WordUP Arabic LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems-APP點子

【免費教育App】WordUP Arabic LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems-APP點子

【免費教育App】WordUP Arabic LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems-APP點子

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