【實用生活app】World Halal Day (BETA)|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】World Halal Day (BETA)|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】World Halal Day (BETA)-APP點子

An event known as the World Halal Day will be organised annually, fixed on the date of 1st November. This event strives to build One Human Community regardless of any diversifications and to unite everyone in the world with the basic principles of Food for All, United against Hunger and Preserver the Nature. The main objective of this day is to bridge the imbalance of the food excesses and deficits in the different cornier of the world, ensuring and promoting the nature given healthy, quality food to the needy. Due to critical complexities of food manufacturing process nowadays, there are millions of halal certified products in the market and thousands of manufacturers who are using the self spaces of market to sell their products and services. However, this day is to give their own products to the needy and poor, free of cost, and to exhibit the right dimension of halal called by Social Responsibility of business ethics and their sympathy in charity across the globe.

【免費生活App】World Halal Day (BETA)-APP點子

【免費生活App】World Halal Day (BETA)-APP點子

【免費生活App】World Halal Day (BETA)-APP點子

【免費生活App】World Halal Day (BETA)-APP點子

【免費生活App】World Halal Day (BETA)-APP點子

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