



Wyzer empowers you to choose the right home... in less time "It was very clear which house to choose" “It reassured my clients that they were getting what they wanted"What is Wyzer?A rating and comparison tool that empowers you to choose the right home... in less timeA guide that keeps you, your family members, and your Realtor on the same page Wyzer is NOT a home search app! How does it work?Choose 4 must-haves and 6 preferred featuresRate these 10 features in every property Take pictures and keep them organized Use charts and graphs to compare up to 9 properties at a time. See which home gives the most bang for your buck! What are the benefits? Choose the right home in less time Make more confident decisions Remain focused on what's important to you Stay organized Realtors Love Wyzer:At Wyzer Solutions, we know that successful agents provide superior service to clients. You want your clients to find the perfect home, but you want this to happen in a timely manner. Unfortunately, many house hunters find it daunting trying to make a decision, extending the process, which is clearly not ideal. This why we invented Wyzer:The Wyzer app is a rating and comparison tool, designed to keep clients focused, organized, and ultimately to choose the right home in less time. When your clients use Wyzer, their house hunting experience is upgraded and your value as a REALTOR® increases. Wyzer is a Realtor's assistant; it simply makes your job easier. Introduce Wyzer from day one, by including it in your buyer presentation and their house hunting experience will instantly be enhanced . Guide clients to choose the right home in less time Keeps them focused on what’s important Empower them to be more decisive Clearly illustrating which home is best Keeps them organized Keep track of properties toured Effectively eliminate properties Everybody Wins with Wyzer! - buyers, renters, investors, Realtors, Service Men and WomenService Men and Women:As you receive orders and prepare to move, you and your family members will definitely benefit from a system that reduces stress, saves time, and provides reassurance. The Wyzer mobile app is an excellent tool to support you in the relocation process. Narrowing down your options and selecting the right home has never been easier. Best of all, it's completely free. If you have any problems, comments, or suggestions for improving Wyzer please contact us at www.choosewyzer.com. We’d love to hear your feedback.





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