【實用工具app】XFlash flashlight/LED|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】XFlash flashlight/LED|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】XFlash  flashlight/LED-APP點子

Flashlight/LED light is one of the important components of smartphone. Aside from torch light it has variety of applications. Although certain apps are available but Xflash app is first ever and services offered by Xflash are unique and highly useful both in developed and under developing countries especially where load shedding is pestering the inhabitant.

If you are looking for better/improved and innovative usage of flashlight/LED light app. Xflash Timer and ANTIdark are unique/innovative and highly useful, whereas blinking of flash/LED light on incoming call alert is completely customized. The already available flashlight/LED light apps have no liberty to customize the light alert on incoming calls it starts blinking on all incoming calls, resultantly it consumes your battery a lot. Xflash alert has the ability to give you liberty to customize alert services on the specific numbers of your choice.

Now you can set timer for getting your flashlight/LED light OFF automatically. Phobic people especially children do not asleep in the dark. Xflash is the solution of your this problem. There are two different unique services for children and grown up. You can set times of your choice and it will switch off the flashlight once the time runs out. ANTIdark enables your smartphone to switch ON/OFF light automatically light during the dark and light in the room.

【免費工具App】XFlash  flashlight/LED-APP點子

Key Features:

1. Xflash Timer Auto OFF:

• First auto OFF app in the market.

• Flashlight/LED light automatically becomes OFF.

• Set your timer of your choice i.e one minute, one hour or any your light will become OFF automatically.

【免費工具App】XFlash  flashlight/LED-APP點子

• Timer is extendable/editable during the application.

• Auto function gives you liberty to use your flash light/LED as per control and wider usage.

2. Xflash ANTIdark:

• This keeps your room always illuminated.

• You simply activate Xflash on your smartphone, the light sensor will automatically switch on your flashlight and will keep your room lit up.

【免費工具App】XFlash  flashlight/LED-APP點子

• Once the power is restored and sensor will sense the light in the room and will switch off the flashlight/LED light.

• This unique and innovative service will resolve the problem of dark phobic people and the children who are frightened in the dark room.

【免費工具App】XFlash  flashlight/LED-APP點子

3. Xflash on incoming Call:

• Xflash is the customized flashlight/LED light alert solution; select your important number for flashlight alert for incoming call and save your battery more than 50%. Instead of on all incoming calls. You can select a few numbers of your choice or all, it gives you liberty to use this service.

• Through customization now the usage is in your hand.

• Save your energy and battery power upto 50%

【免費工具App】XFlash  flashlight/LED-APP點子

• Simple to manage and Editable.

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XFlash flashlight/LED APP LOGO

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XFlash flashlight/LED APP QRCode

XFlash  flashlight/LED QRCode-APP點子
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