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【實用健康app】Yoga With Saeed|最夯免費app


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Long time ago I realized that our essence (the Soul / the Self: the Genius of our mind) lies beyond the postures and therefore it's not important that we are forever perfecting the postures and learning further variations. But rather perfecting the self with the practice of 'Knowing, grasping and letting go'. The way to heavenly life.

We can all develop the ability to practice: 'Stop, Breathe and reflect; knowing, grasping and letting go'. Always keep in mind “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” (Albert Einstein). Whenever you experience difficulty, don't excessively stress yourself, instead stop, think and practice 'Knowing, grasping and letting go'.

As you may know an average person carries within himself a lot of different emotional reactions for the people he does not like. Holding on to bad feelings in your mind, is like drinking poison, and slowly killing yourself with it. Things you should have said but you had not said. Things you wanted to say but you didn't say it. Things you want to say but you don't say it to the person, yet, you really wanted to say but you didn't and now you feel guilty. So an average person carries on rehearsing little angry speeches internally but never expresses them.When we are not talking to each other, we are too busy talking to ourselves internally...... So, it's not the stress so much, that is our number one health enemy. It's the bad feelings that the average person is holding on to that is killing him. My aim is to free you from holding on to the bad feelings...

The main aim of Saeed's teaching is to stop you from killing yourself with your own bad feeling thoughts and instead that, stress ((whether physical, psychological (mental and emotional) or even physiological)) cannot and should not be avoided rather it must be controlled and managed fully with self-awareness and self-understanding to begin with. If you still feel a bit stressed. Having exercised self-awareness and self-understanding, you may feel a bit stressed; then perhaps yoga and meditation can help you on the road towards wholeness. A quiet mind cures all, look within yourself that is the objective of http://www.yogawithsaeed.co.uk.

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