



Youth.gov.hk App 全方位打造屬於年青人的流動手機程式!推介時下至合心水的活動展覽!地圖一覽 - 即時知道身處位置附近有甚麼精彩活動或展覽,一睇即去!遇上疑難一按即可直接致電相關活動主辦單位,快捷方便!提供全城獨家過癮實用video!一App盡有 - 投考警察、入境處、EO,見工前睇睇3-5分鐘速成Video,收錄多個政府職位精華所在!超過癮中小學生「自拍」短片,無論劇情小品80後90後同樣用心製造!Youth.gov.hk app is tailor made for youngsters in every aspect they need!  Recommendations of the most popular activities !Map at a Glance – Glance at what activities or exhibitions are near you right now and make your way there immediately! If you want to know more about the activities, you can just call the organizer with one click on your phone! Isn’t that fast and convenient?Exclusive practical and fun videos!An all-inclusive app Offers in-depth information on government jobs including the Hong Kong Police Force, Immigration Department, Customs & Excise Department, and the post of Executive Officer.Features three- to five-minute video clips on pre-interview pointers! Super-cool films made by primary and secondary school students as well as short and feature-length films produced by the equally-dedicated post-80s and post-90s.










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