【實用遊戲app】Zombie Crane Defense|最夯免費app

【實用遊戲app】Zombie Crane Defense|最夯免費app


【免費遊戲App】Zombie Crane Defense-APP點子

Welcome to Zombie Crane Tower Defense! One of the bloodiest, most unique Free tower defense games on the App Store! Nothing but you, your crane, and hundreds of squishy, stupid zombies to smash! They will stop at nothing to escape! Use your crane, barricades, landmines, oil barrels, and explosive barrels to stop the onslaught before its too late! 30 levels of carnage! This is a tower defense-style zombie defense game with a bloody twist! Test your smashing skills against hordes of relentless zombies who will try and destroy your Grinder to escape! Download now to experience one of a kind zombie defense action!How to play:You can win 2 ways. Fill the blood meter all the way or smash and kill all waves of enemies in the level. You can use the crane hand to smash or grab them. Once you grab a zombie, drop it in the grinder and grind it for blood! You can use the defensive items in the top right to help stop enemies but use wisely because they cost blood! You can't smash or grab if you don't have enough battery power so make sure to keep an eye on the battery meter in the top right corner! Want to know more? Keep reading!!Where would a zombie defense game be without the perfect weapon! That's why we gave you the Zombie Crane! Use it to smash zombies or grab them and drop them into a Grinder! Grind them up to collect zombie blood! Fill the meter to win! Spend the blood you collect on upgrades! Smashing zombies not your thing? Well you're in luck! We have granted you zombie slaughtering maniacs unlimited access to our endless supply of explosive barrels!-Disclaimer: Use explosive barrels at your own risk. Common applications of explosive barrels include but are not limited to: dismembering, blowing up, killing, fragging, and many other zombie killing-related tasks. Please do not attempt to cuddle with explosive barrels. Please do not throw kittens or any other small animals at explosive barrels. Explosive barrels will not accept your friend request or like your photos. Explosive barrels do not twerk. Explosive barrels will not respond to your insults. In the event explosive barrels do respond to your insults, a full psychological evaluation is recommended. We hope you like our take on classic tower defense! Check back for updates and other games!This version is intended for use on the iPhone. iPad users should download "Zombie Crane Defense HD".

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