



What is Movilitas?

Movilitas is the company which has invented the Movilizer. With this App we want to introduce our company what we are doing and what we are looking for.

What is the Movilizer?

The Movilizer is a cloud service created to enable enterprise mobility. It is independent of the backend system in use and enables you to use free existing mobile scenarios; to create mobile scenarios of your own or to use our already available industry solutions for SAP, salesforce.com or MS Excel.

What can I do with the Movilizer?


You can use any of our free scenarios to capture a myriad of data including travel expenses, time records, create a dynamic survey… But you can also use it to run a mobile maintenance process based on SAP or even to implement the process of vending machine replenishment within the consumer goods industry. Nearly all mobile business processes within your company can be supported.

In which business can I use the Movilizer?

You can use it in nearly all business areas and for most of the business processes. It is the ideal solution for both large and small size enterprises. The Movilizer can be connected easily to different backend systems.

How can I use the free Movilizer scenarios?

1. Download the Movilizer App. from the Android Market.

2. Start the App and synchronize once.

3. enjoy.

This version runs in Android OS 2.1 or higher

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