



eDIVO is a mobile leadership and management tool that provides easy access to the most commonly used and referenced official U. S. Navy information and resources in an easily understood and immediately available format. After initial download, the majority of information within eDIVO does not require an internet connection to access, enabling use on a ship, either at sea or in-port. While this publicly available information is aggregated and tailored specifically with Division Officers in mind, eDIVO serves as a quick reference management and education tool for Navy leaders of all ranks. Information within eDIVO is separated into four sections:Division Management: Including information on evaluations and fitness reports, advancement exams, physical fitness assessments, awards, legal, uniform regulations, finances, career counseling, and safety.Personnel Management: Including information that educates users on the Exceptional Family Member Program, the Family Advocacy Program, Family Care Plans, suicide prevention, sexual assault prevention and response, and officer commissioning programs. Furthermore, this section includes information on the Navy’s policies on equal opportunity, fraternization, hazing, pregnancy, and sexual harassment.My Bridge Team: Including information on basic navigation principles, nautical Rules of the Road, and training for officers of the deck and those aspiring to attain advanced watchstanding qualifications.Emergency Resources: Providing quick access to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the Department of Defense Safe Helpline, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and the American Red Cross Emergency Hotline.eDIVO Content:The eDIVO mobile application aggregates publicly available information from various online Department of Navy (DON) sources. Please be aware that some information contained in the application may be out of date or no longer valid. This information will be checked periodically for accuracy and will be updated as needed via the release of periodic eDIVO software updates.










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