【實用個人化app】gold cycles uccw skin|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】gold cycles uccw skin|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】gold cycles uccw skin-APP點子

2 in 1 ! big one & battery widget.

This is a skin for Uccw. Ultimate Custom Clock Widget.


Uccw skins are automatic setups for widgets made with the app UCCW (Ultimate Custom Clock Widget).

With these skins you don't have to sit and set up widgets by yourself. Just install the skins and they will appear in the skins list, when applying a new uccw widget.


UCCW 2.1.2 or higher is required: http://goo.gl/TZgw0



Please don't ask questions in google play feedback. There is no way to answer you back. Either email me or post question on website link. Email link is given in app.


【免費個人化App】gold cycles uccw skin-APP點子

To use this skin you need to have an UCCW-version above 2.0 installed. You can get UCCW free in the Google Play Store: https://spadow.net/aVKqg

We recommend you a launcher like Nova and Apex, because you got much more possibilities in placing and resizing widgets.

To add this Skin to your homescreen follow these 5 steps:

1. Add a new widget (works different in every launcher)

2. Select UCCW, the size doesn’t matters because you have to resize it.

3. Select the skin you wish from the list

4. Tap the widget and wait until the skin shows up correctly

5. Long press the widget to resize it until it perfectly fits your wishes.

Have fun!

If your device is on Jelly Bean it may happen that the skins don’t show up in the list correctly. If this happens just contact us to get a workaround .apk!

【免費個人化App】gold cycles uccw skin-APP點子


If you have any problems, please email me.have fun!

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免費玩gold cycles uccw skin App

gold cycles uccw skin APP LOGO

gold cycles uccw skin LOGO-APP點子

gold cycles uccw skin APP QRCode

gold cycles uccw skin QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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