



iCarPark helps you remember where you park your car. This is the most functional and user-friendly parking app from the creator of the successful "Take Me To My Car". With just one tap save your parking spot, so that later iCarPark could navigate you back to it! If you park in a garage, it will help you remember the level, section, and spot. If you park on a meter, it will keep track of the time for you. If you have multiple cars and/or bikes or want to remember your way back to some spot without losing information about your car, you can keep track of it all! Moreover, if you get inaccurate location information, you can drag the marker to adjust parking position. Finally, you have the option to use satellite hybrid map that helps you navigate even better!

On top of the functionality provided by the free "Take Me to My Car" version, you get:

- Ability to take notes, including level, row, section, and spot in a garage or lot

- Ability to set meter timeout and track the parking time

- Ability to adjust your parking location on the map by dragging the car marker


- Ability to track up to 5 different parked objects/locations

- Ability to switch between normal and satellite hybrid map

And as always, you get simple clean yet slightly improved map interface of the beloved "Take Me to My Car":

- Minimum taps

- Walking directions


- Exact display of remaining distance

- Exact position accuracy in meters/yards

NOTE: If you have any particular problem (e.g., not being able to install, lock in your position, etc.) or have questions about using the app, visit the web site and/or email me (before leaving bad reviews). I'll be happy to help you. Before using the app, make sure to enable Location Services in iPhone General Settings.

READ THIS: For best results, use the app on 3G iPhone. If you use iPod Touch or non-3G iPhone, you can adjust reported position by dragging the car marker to the position where you parked your car.


If you want to preview this app, try "Take Me to My Car".


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免費玩iCarPark App


iCarPark LOGO-APP點子

iCarPark APP QRCode

iCarPark QRCode-APP點子
台灣 TaiwaniOS
App Store
NT$ 30
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store


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