【實用書籍app】iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca...|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca...|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca...-APP點子

iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder shows you the nearest six places to get your Hog fixed throughout Canada and the USA. In addition, the Harley Shops are categorized by Country as well.

If you are new to the area, this is perfect if you run into problems while out for a ride, but you don't just need to be from out of town to use this.

Open the Harley Davidson Shop Finder and it displays the nearest 6 Harley Davidson to you which may just get you fixed up and back on the road.

【免費書籍App】iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca...-APP點子

All locations include a name, address, phone number and the Shop's website. Tap the phone number to dial (iPhone). View the map to see exactly where you need to go.

The data is stored locally, so you don't need to find a wifi connection or use expensive cellular data. (Only the map uses the network.)

【免費書籍App】iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca...-APP點子

If GPS is unavailable, you can manually select what part of town you are in to see locations nearest to you or if you are heading on vacation to a certain part of Canada or the USA, you can select the area where you are going and the App will display the list of Harley Shops in the area - before you go!

If you have some good or bad points to share about a particular Harley store, there is a link to send in the details which will be included in future database updates.

【免費書籍App】iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca...-APP點子

Have a great ride!

【免費書籍App】iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca...-APP點子

免費玩iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca... APP玩免費

免費玩iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca... App

iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca... APP LOGO

iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca... LOGO-APP點子

iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca... APP QRCode

iFIND - Harley Davidson Shop Finder (USA and Ca... QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store



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