【實用教育app】iLearn Addition (+)|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】iLearn Addition (+)|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】iLearn Addition (+)-APP點子

Want your children to have fun, enjoy and learn mathematics at the same time?

【免費教育App】iLearn Addition (+)-APP點子

Is your kid scared of mathematics? Do they feel it is difficult?

【免費教育App】iLearn Addition (+)-APP點子

Did you ever feel that they are bad with additions?

【免費教育App】iLearn Addition (+)-APP點子

Want to increase their calculation level?

【免費教育App】iLearn Addition (+)-APP點子

All this is now just a click away!!

【免費教育App】iLearn Addition (+)-APP點子

Go ahead and download our “iLearn Addition +” App and make Learning mathematics a fun for your kids.

【免費教育App】iLearn Addition (+)-APP點子

This app deals with recognizing the dropping calculations (Additions) like 1+4 =?, the kid needs to identify the numbers, add them & click on the correct answer in key pad.

【免費教育App】iLearn Addition (+)-APP點子

Also, choose your own level of difficulty:

【免費教育App】iLearn Addition (+)-APP點子

1. Simple (Numbers are placed in order in Keypad)

【免費教育App】iLearn Addition (+)-APP點子

2. Jumbled (Numbers are placed in jumbled order in Keypad)

Gain dual benefits for your children–

• 1. More interest towards mathematics & studies.

• 2. Increasing the Calculation Level & presence of mind.

What are you waiting for? Download the app & start observing the change in your kids immediately….

Our Pipeline:

We are planning to develop our application by increasing its functionality and adding new futures. If you have new ideas please send them to us via info@techilasolutions.com or write about it in the comments. We will develop the app accordingly so that it serves you well.

We would like to wish you a pleasant time using the app and also invite you to visit our website http://techilasolutions.com and our Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/ILoveTechila

For fun we also recommend our other entertainment applications: Almighty Player, POP n Learn ABCD, Shake the Torch, iLearn ABC &123 – Tablet, iLearn ABC &123 – Phone, 1- Click Callback, Pop A sleep, Love Calculator, Women Safety, Truth & Dare, etc…

Have Fun :)

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iLearn Addition (+) APP LOGO

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iLearn Addition (+) APP QRCode

iLearn Addition (+) QRCode-APP點子
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