



Did you make a New Year’s bet with your friend? The person to drop 25 pounds first wins. It isn’t just about the small amount of money being wagered, it’s more a matter of pride that you hit that new weight the fastest. You’ve been trying so hard and you’re starting to look really good but are you winning?

So maybe the only person that you’re competing against is you. A good health regime is extremely important to you and you like to keep a check on your weight, fat proportion or hip circumferences. In fact, you’ve been monitoring your stats for a while now to see the changes and emerging patterns.

Whether you like to lose or to gain weight, you are going to love this iPhone and iPod Touch app!

Need to document your weight, fat, water or muscle proportioin? iLoseWeight can do that. Want to document the hip, waist, arm or leg circumferences? iLoseWeight can do that, too.


The easy to use interface allows you to record and document everything important to your overall fitness regime.

The iLoseWeight app also gives you user defined entries for adding your specific info for a totally customized experience. To help you view your progress quickly, it can show your stats in a graph. Also the calculated BMI and WHR values.

This is the app you must have if you’re serious about losing or gaining weight.

You might also like to have a look at the winner of the Mobie Award 2009: iBody.


iBody is more or less the “Deluxe Version” of iLoseWeight: Along with weight tracking it also features blood values like blood pressure, cholesterol, lactate and much more values and fitness logging – not to mention a sophisticated GPS tracking function for clocking and mapping your jogging or cycling distances and routes.


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台灣 TaiwaniOS
App Store
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store


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