



ChristianPenner.com and YourMortgageSoultionsNow.com developed a unique app whether you're buying a home or looking into refinance your current home.

This elegantly designed personal mortgage app will provide you with continuous current information, so you will be able to make an informed decision.

You will be able to use this app to connect with Christian Penner on all of his Social Networks, Websites & Blogs as well as communicate with him through push alerts.

Christian is a Managing Partner and Mortgage Banker. He has been in the lending business for over 15 years. He Graduated from University of Florida with a BS degree in Business Administration with a double major in Business Finance and Real Estate.

Christian Penner and his team are excited to be your financial partners and look forward to working with you!

Their intention is to impress upon you the importance of making your mortgage a pivotal component to your overall financial planning strategy.

Their goal is to custom fit you with the best overall financing package by, integrating the selected financing with your long and short-term financial and investment goals, which are coupled with your payment and equity objectives. They want to earn your business and give you their "client for life commitment".

Also Check out his web site at: www.ChristianPenner.com or www.YourMortgageSolutionsNow.com. Within the web site you can do additional mortgage calculations or have frequently asked questions answered. You can also follow him on his Blog at: www.ChristianPennersBlog.com

Christian works with several referral partners including Realtors, Real Estate Attorney’s, Personal Injury Attorney's, CPA’s, Financial Advisors, Insurance Professionals, Developers and Builders.

He is a visionary and his goal is to facilitate and empower you to reach your Marketing & Business goals! He has incorporated multiple cutting edge sales strategies, Mastermind Groups and Marketing Business Plans, for his Referral Partners, that include lead generation systems through FaceBook, LinkedIn, Video Marketing, Webinars, Workshops, Single Property Websites, Blogging/Plogging (Property Blogging), Craig's List and Squeeze Pages.

If you are interested in a "Personal Mobile App" like this let him know and he will help you create one to maximize your business.





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iMortgage APP LOGO

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iMortgage APP QRCode

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