



One of the missing features on 3.0 is to be able to search what you write in your Notes. Iphind allows you to do this and much more. We are giving it away for free because we are not working on this program anymore and won't make any updates for now. As the perfect iPhone companion, iPhind is a quick and easy search program that enhances the power of your iPhone contacts application. With just a couple taps, iPhind will help you find the key people you're looking for and remember important things about them. Just enter a name in your iPhone contact list, assign it some keywords in the Notes and when you need to find that person, whose name you forgot, you can pull them up based on the keyword search. In just a couple taps, you can find who you want and call them, email them, text them or even visit their website instantly. The Notes section can also be used as your personal database in remembering things about your contacts that are important to them, what is key about them, what they like to eat, where they live, a business, a prospect, etc. More than a dialer, iPhind will turn Contacts into a networking tool, a memory jogger, a reminder of what you can’t remember, a rolodex, a stress reliever, a telephone directory, a database... A truly mobile solution. So whether you're a CEO networking your client list, a salesperson managing your prospects, a parent organizing your doctors or contractors or even a teenager prioritizing your friends, you'll never lose contact with your key contacts ever again.Thank you again for your overwhelming support. Please continue to email your comments to support@sookiez.com.FEATURES• enhances your iPhone Contacts application• simple, fast, accurate. Always searching current information on your phone book• search by the initial of the name and the last name – Treo style• search by phone number• search by email or website• search the Notes for any word• create Groups on the iPhone, and add, or remove members to the Groups• call, SMS, Email or go their websites in one tap. Less taps gets you in touch quicker.• database-driven Notes section allows you to store/find information easily• History and Most recent searches save resultsBENEFITS• iPhind saves you time, less taps to find who you're looking for, and getting you in-touch• increases your human memory, database driven Notes remembers every important contact detail• stress-free, avoid sifting through business cards and scrap paper to find contact information• most accurate Contacts search program – information is always current• fast start up, tap the program and find your first accurate result, iPhind is among the fastest in the market.Notes: Our product has been tested with large databases and with thousands of contacts and works fine. It will perform searches and matches similar to the Treo by just using the initials of the name of the person you’re looking for, or part of their phone number.You can perform a Basic search and find names, companies or phone numbers. Or you can do an Advanced search and also search Notes contents, email addresses and website fields. And the best part, there’s no reindexing of any file. The information is always current.PEEKABABE - Check out our latest app. Rated 17+ gives you a Pick at gorgeous Babes. New pictures added every month, that is, if Apple approves our updates.





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