



iPinion is the leading Market Research survey App for smartphones. iPinion is now available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad users.

iPinion is the most sophisticated survey app ever built for smart phones. It has exciting survey questions including several image interaction types. Users can take surveys on the go and earn rewards.

iPinion is non-intrusive, fun to participate and professional.


How to participate in surveys?

If you are a member of a research panel that has provided you the iPinion download link for taking surveys, they'll send you a userid and password to login and you do not have to register. If you are not a part of a research panel, but would like to participate in surveys, then you can register with us via the app and we will send you the user id and password.


Upon opening the app, you will see the survey(s) available for you to participate. You can start a survey by simply clicking on it.

To be eligible for the reward points, you need to complete the surveys. Reward points are accumulated until you reach a specific value after which you will have options to redeem your points for cash / gift cards. You can login at www.ipinionrewards.com to check your reward points and redeem them for cash or gift cards. Every 100 points earned equate to 1.00 USD. You should have accumulated a minimum of 500 points ($5.00) to redeem.

If you are a part of another research panel, your panel company will provide you the reward point details and redemption options.


You can check your reward points from the app. If you have questions on surveys, rewards, redemption, privacy policy or terms of use, please visit www.ipinionrewards.com


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免費玩iPinion App

iPinion APP LOGO

iPinion LOGO-APP點子

iPinion APP QRCode

iPinion QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store



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