



Based on the theory and concepts of serious game, iPlayCode v.1 is designed, developed and released as an educational tool to help programming learners to understand the syntax of C++. The system has facilitated with quiz, scoring, awards, audio and music.


iplaycode is simple and easy to play:


1. Login


2. Select level


3. Press button to respond the quiz


4. Awarding the score


The game can be back to home, i.e. start, and check the menu, i.e. play again. The game is suitable for the mobile interface as all the necessary information is on the page.


For the each question, the user can get help at any stage, no matter the answer is right or wrong, and the user can always get an explanation.


At this stage, the contents have covered the most parts of procedural programming in C++, compatible for both C and C++ learners.


Object oriented programming will be included in advanced level in iplaycode v.2.


Professor Joan Lu, XDIR, University of Huddersfield


The team members involved in iplaycode: Wei Guo, Jiayi Zhang, ZHaozong Meng and Ragab Ihnissi




免費玩iPlayCode APP玩免費

免費玩iPlayCode App

iPlayCode APP LOGO

iPlayCode LOGO-APP點子

iPlayCode APP QRCode

iPlayCode QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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