【實用旅遊app】iSayHello Polish - English USA|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】iSayHello Polish - English USA|最夯免費app


【免費旅遊App】iSayHello Polish - English USA-APP點子

Find the right words at the right moment with iSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’t just have a great audio output but can also be used offline and has been professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is now equipped with Google’s translation tool.

Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcase at the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost for words. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those who would like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom to do so!

iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how to correctly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional native speakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken up into 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out the sentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communication abroad much easier.

What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an online translating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you the ability to have single words and even whole sentences in the language of the application translated for you. So if you do not understand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing is too difficult.

The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS or email!

iSayHello’s features:

+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday or trip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!

+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output

+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be played out

+ Easy to navigate

+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” function so that they’re always in sight!

+ An additional online translation tool for short and simple sentences!

iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid out themes:

+ Every day situations

+ Arrival/Customs

+ Greetings

+ Smalltalk

+ Hotel/Money

+ Shopping

+ Food and Drink

+ Flirting

+ Emergencies

+ Numbers

+ Football

Other language courses are available at Admovi’s App Store:

+ Spanish

+ English

【免費旅遊App】iSayHello Polish - English USA-APP點子

+ Italian

+ French

+ Portuguese (European/Brazilian)

+ Polish

+ German

+ Russian

+ Chinese

+ Japanese

Each combined with your native tongue.

iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and city map for trips to Yellowstone, USA, America, New York, Los Angeles, L.A., Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Califonia, Florida and Washington.

iSayHello on Facebook: www.facebook.com/isayhellomobi

iSayHello on Twitter: www.twitter.com/isayhellomobi

iSayHello’s Blog www.blog.isayhello.mobi

iSayHello’s Homepage: www.isayhello.mobi




Zawsze właściwe słowa we właściwym momencie – z iSayHello, słownikiem podróżnym i trenerem językowym (także do użycia w trybie offline) ze świetnym dźwiękiem i profesjonalnie wypowiadanymi przez native speakerów wyrażeniami. Teraz dodatkowo z narzędziem tłumaczącym.

Właściwości iSayHello:

+ 11 lekcji z najważniejszymi zwrotami na urlopie i w podróży, w trybie offline i poprzez to do użycia niezależnie!

+ najwyższe wymogi odnośnie jakości i profesjonalizmu naturalnego nagrania językowego!

+ wszystkie teksty są wymawiane przez native speakerów i można je odgrać!

+ bardzo prosta obsługa!

+ ulubione frazy z funkcją Ulubione zawsze na jeden rzut oka!

+ Dodatkowe narzędzie tłumaczące w trybie online do krótkich i prostych zdań!

i SayHello jest idealnym uzupełnieniem każdego przewodnika turystycznego jak również planu miasta do wyjazdu nad Yellowstone, USA, Ameryka, Nowy Jork, Los Angeles, L.A., Wielki Kanion, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Kalifornia, Floryda i Waszyngton.

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免費玩iSayHello Polish - English USA App

iSayHello Polish - English USA APP LOGO

iSayHello Polish - English USA LOGO-APP點子

iSayHello Polish - English USA APP QRCode

iSayHello Polish - English USA QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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