



A simple app offering basic Islamic information for practicing Muslims currently available in Arabic and Farsi, English support will follow soon.

iShia app is produced by al-Milani Foundation to support practicing Muslims in their daily religious duties and worship acts in Arabic and Farsi.

Both Android and iOS platforms are supported.

* Important Islamic & Shia Historical Events.

* Daily Acts and Worship Instructions According to Mafatih al Jinan.

* Daily Prayers Timetable.

* A Collection of 5 Islamic Holy and Essential General Books.


Your comments and criticism will be of a great help to us in order to improve this app.


- Supports Android 2.2+ and the interface is in Arabic and Farsi (English soon).

- Important Islamic and Shia historical events according to authentic sources.

- Daily acts of worship and instructions according to Mafatih al Jinan.

- Prayers timetable calculation based on famous 7 formulas of calculations.

- More than 3000 cities around the world are preset and the ability to add the current location using GPS.

- A valuable essential library of 5 books: The Holy Quran, Nahj ul Balagha, al Sahifa al Sajjadiyya, Mafatih al Jinan and Kamel al Ziyarat, browsable easily.

- Main book scrolling and the second view e.g. translation scroll lock.


- An easy method of viewing and browsing book pages and navigation between them.

- Very accurate and different method of calculating Hijri months and dates.

- Automatic and manual DST (Daylight Saving Time) handling.

- Tafsir in arabic (alBorhan, alAmthal, Noor alThaqalayn)

- Share to others

- Favorites

Planned Features for Future Versions

- English interface and content support.

- Visual alert for daily timetable.

- Offering a widget on Android home screen.


- Farsi translation of supplication text.

- Full text search for books and all other information.

- Full featured date conversion functionality.


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iShia LOGO-APP點子

iShia APP QRCode

iShia QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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