【實用交通運輸app】iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City)|最夯免費app

【實用交通運輸app】iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City)|最夯免費app


【免費交通運輸App】iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City)-APP點子

iTourNavi is by using the position information of the smartphone, Open Data, attractive information of each Area, offers such as disaster prevention information. Top cover, photos of high freshness latest information will be aired. Now blooming flower information,Attractive information,Saijiki,Event Information,Disaster Information,Toilet information available in a wheelchair,Emergency medical information,Stage information that novel/manga/light novel appeared,Geisha,Wikimedia Commons,etc...it offers the information.All information, so you can route guidance from the current location / attractions, you can move with confidence to the first place.Some areas (currently, Kyoto Arashiyama, Uji district only), the have service tourist guide and barrier-free information in the voice.To be so tourist guide will automatically flows close to the sights, you can enjoy the tourist in a hands-free.[Radius 500m Search]Derived quickly from the current position.1tap, it will show the nearest information from the current location.Attractive information and to find the shelter information also for the first time visited person then smoothly guided to the destination.[Routing assistance]Navigation From the current location and tourist spot, I can route guidance of the car and walk.[Anyone immediately easy to use] Flowers information and disaster information etc, all in the same way, it will guide you in an easy-to-understand.[Open Data Support]1.Wikimedia Commons It is navigation pictures of "Wikimedia Commons", which is used widely in the world.2.GeisyaThe traditional culture is "Hanamachi" culture of Japan, towards the camera lovers, asked to disseminate to the world in "OpenData".*Geisha photo sessionHeld regularly.http://kyoto.flowertourism.net/maiko/Ladies and gentlemen, have taken to participate in photo session, please post as "OpenData".To watch the growth of the geisha, please give come to see sometimes.3.Spot coming out to the novel and manga ["Book of data that Kyoto comes out" by Shishomarohan] ["Historical novel was to stage the Warring States Period" by GanGanToshokan]4.Open data "disaster information" Kyoto, Nara City, Hainan City etc, it is navigation was open data of "disaster information".[Support Area]UjiNavi by Uji City Tourist AssociationProvide tourist information - Hananavi: Provides real-time flower information that are in bloom now. - Now: attractive information - Saijiki - Information of emergency medical institutions - Disaster Information - Provide barrier-free information - Town walking mobile multi-language voice guide - Provides road information and tourist guide in voice - Arrival guidance of the station - English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, supports multi-language.ArashiyamaNavi by Saga Arashiyama hospitality Vision Promotion Council - Hananavi - Now - Saijiki - Information of emergency medical institutions - Provide barrier-free information - Town walking mobile multi-language voice guideMisasagiNavi by Habikino Tourism Association - Hananavi - Now - Tumulus ruins information - Temples and shrines information - View point information - Parking, bicycle rental information - Toilet informationUtazu theater by utazu - Ohina's information - Now: attractive information - Toilet information[facebook, twitter, e-mail collaboration]At the touch of a button, facebook, twitter, e-mail, you can tweet your favorite information.[Recruitment]Our Town We are also recruiting area also from time to time that want to join the "i2navi".Visit the Web site http://i2navi.net/ for details.*Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battry life.

【免費交通運輸App】iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City)-APP點子

【免費交通運輸App】iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City)-APP點子

【免費交通運輸App】iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City)-APP點子

【免費交通運輸App】iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City)-APP點子

免費玩iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City) APP玩免費

免費玩iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City) App

iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City) APP LOGO

iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City) LOGO-APP點子

iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City) APP QRCode

iTour Navi(Misasagi Navi,Utazu theater,Uji Navi,Arashiyama Navi,Moriyama City) QRCode-APP點子
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