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【實用醫療app】inPractice for Specialists|最夯免費app


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inPractice® is the only point-of-care clinical reference designed to meet the unique needs of specialists. Editions include: hepatology, HIV, oncology, oncology nursing, and rheumatology. Each edition contains specialty topics written by leading experts in the field and designed for practical use in your patient care. All content is evidence based and peer reviewed. Each includes concise summary content, detailed recommendations, a full drug database, guideline summaries, decision support tools, medical calculators, and access to PubMed abstracts and ClinicalTrials.gov.

Note: You must have registered for use of any of our free editions (hepatology, HIV, and oncology) or an active subscription or free trial for any of our subscription editions (oncology nursing and rheumatology).


• 1-time only login

• Use on all your devices

• Bulleted summaries for quick point-of-care reference

• Quick drug look-up function

• Hundreds of handy medical calculators

• A single search yields results from multiple clinical databases: inPractice expert-authored content, relevant decision support tools, drug reference, guidelines, PubMed abstracts and clinical trials.

• Use online or offline. Download content to your device for fast, offline use

• Physicians can earn Point-of-Care CME credits

• Nurses can earn and track up to 80 ANCC contact hours

• Bookmarks and saved searches are automatically synchronized between the app and the Web site

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• Includes all content available with your inPractice account


inPractice Hepatology

Designed for hepatologists, gastroenterologists, infectious diseases clinicians, and others who treat patients with viral hepatitis.

Editors-in-Chief: Nezam H. Afdhal, MD, FRCPI; Stefan Zeuzem, MD

inPractice HIV

Features comprehensive guidance on the management of HIV, including prevention, diagnosis, antiretroviral therapy; management of comorbidities, coinfections, and opportunistic diseases; and challenges in specific patient populations.

Editors-in-Chief: Joseph J. Eron, Jr., MD; Daniel R. Kuritzkes, MD; Kathleen E. Squires, MD

inPractice Oncology

Full coverage of the breadth of topics needed in the care of patients with solid tumors and hematologic malignancies. Includes screening, diagnosis, and management topics across all tumor types as well as supportive care and general oncology topics.

Editor-in-Chief: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD

inPractice Oncology Nursing

Designed specifically for nurses who care for patients with cancer, covering current practice standards for care of the whole patient—physical, psychosocial, and spiritual. Offers more than 80 ANCC contact hours in categories designed to match your oncology certification or recertification needs.

Editors-in-Chief: Dawn Camp-Sorrell, MSN, FNP, AOCN; Rebecca Hawkins, MSN, ANP, AOCN, ACHPN

inPractice Rheumatology

Spans the full range of diagnosis, treatment and management topics for patients with rheumatologic diseases and related conditions.

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Editor-in-Chief: David G. Borenstein, MD, MACP, MACR

How to Gain Access:

The inPractice App is provided free of charge as a service to current inPractice users. Simply download/install the app and then log in using your inPractice user name and password. You can find more information at inPractice.com

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