



mathflair is a powerful learning aid to help students master fractions, signed numbers, equations, factorizing, radicals, simultaneous equations, rational expressions and much more.Interactive Coaching Calculators and Guides combine to speed the learning process throughout the school years.Coaching Calculators and Guides cover :PRIMES- Prime factorization by factor tree- LCM by prime factorization- LCM by listing multiples- GCD by prime factorization- GCD (GCF) by listing divisorsFRACTIONS- addition by multiplying denominators- addition by Least Common Denominator- subtraction by multiplying denominators- subtraction by Least Common Denominator- multiplication- multiplication with cross cancelling- division- division with cross canceling- comparison by multiplying denominators- comparison by Least Common Denominator- comparison by cross multiplication- conversion of mixed numbers to improper fractions- conversion of improper fractions to mixed numbers- equivalent fractions using the LCD- reduction using the GCD (GCF)SIGNED NUMBERS- addition, subtraction of two signed numbers- multiplication, division of two signed numbersSOLVING LINEAR EQUATIONS- one-stepx − 2 = 3, 5 + x = 4, 3x = -12, x/7 = 2- two-step3x + 8 = 20, x/9 + 2 = 5- multi-step4 + 9x = 2x + 18SOLVING LINEAR INEQUALITIES- one-stepx − 2 ≤ 3, 5 + x ≥ 4, 3x ≤ -12, x/7 ≥ 2- two-step3x + 8 ≥ 20, x/9 + 2 ≤ 5- multi-step4 + 9x ≥ 2x + 18SOLVING SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS- addition method- elimination method- substitution methodFACTORIZING QUADRATIC EXPRESSIONS- by Difference of Squares- by Guess and Check method- by Grid or Box method- by Grouping or AC methodSOLVING QUADRATIC EQUATIONS- by factorization- by quadratic formula- by completing the squareFINDING VERTEX OF QUADRATIC GRAPH- by completing the squareSOLVING QUADRATIC INEQUALITIES- by sketching associated graphSIMPLIFYING SIMPLE RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS- by factorizationFINDING CIRCLE CENTER AND RADIUS- by expressing equation in centre-radius formSIMPLIFYING SQUARE ROOTS- by perfect squares- by factor trees- by prime factorizationSIMPLIFYING HIGHER ROOTS- up to sixth roots by prime factorizationSOLVING ABSOLUTE VALUE EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES- |3x − 2| = 6, |2x − 3| ≥ 5SOLVING RADICAL EQUATIONS- 2√(6x − 10) = 4FINDING FUNCTION DOMAINS- simple radical and rational functionsEVEN AND ODD FUNCTIONS- simple polynomial functions





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