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【實用紙牌app】preferance online|最夯免費app


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IT Capital Company presents the first online preferance with excellent graphics and a simple user-friendly gameplay onlinepref.com. Preferance is a card game, which is so common in Russia, that can be considered the national card game. Preferance is a "smart" game, in which success depends far more on skill than luck. In this application, we have tried to make the game very easy and convenient, while maintaining the diversity of rules and conventions.

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In our preferance you will see:

•  Beautiful, drawn especially in the "golden time of preferance" style - mid XIX century, graphics: game is played at game table, against the virtual characters each player chooses.

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•  Wide settings - you can customize the game to your taste: different characters, cards, decks, avatars.

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•  It is easy to start playing - if you are new to preferance, then you do not need to learn all the rules first, but you can learn the game "on the fly": there are fast start option as well as detailed setting of the rules, learning mode, active card backlighting, messages about the actions of other players and progress of the game.

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•  Three conventions: Leningrad, Sochi and Rostov, the conventions and rules will be supplemented with updates due to the very large diversity of them.

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•  Live chat: all players are real people, with whom you can talk through the open and private chat, make new friends, you can make a gift to a friend or invite friends to play separately at your private table.

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•  Private rooms - in the game, you can create a table at which can sit only persons who have been invited by you, so you can safely play only with your friends.

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•  A wide audience: the application is also will be available for IPhone and IMac, with localization on more than two dozen languages, play online now with three thousand people, join us!

•  Tournaments: you can participate in a tournament or organize the tournament yourself, the tournament winner receives a prize.

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